Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dear Passerby

Dear Passerby,

I've never dedicated a single post to you, though you were the sole reason i started this blog. And in all the mayhem, when I really need good advice, I come to you. The reason you ask!! Well, the people I used to seek advice from, seem to be pretty confused of late. The ones who used to shout out their beliefs from rooftops, seem to be hiding somewhere.

I've sorted out my friends of late - a. those who are a part of my present and from whom I've so much to learn b. those who are a baggage from the past, a baggage i was merely clinging on to, hoping against hope, to meet them someday down the lane.....

And I think I'll leave the baggage behind.

Is it unethical Dear Passerby? Oh forget the it unwise?

Yours insincerely
Nurav Yednap
And maybe someday we'll meet
And maybe laugh and not just speak
Don't buy the promises 'cause
There are no promises I keep
So here i go........
-James Blunt, The Same Mistake


Unknown said...

No, it is not unwise my friend, and whether you want to call it unethical depends on how you define ethics.

Your wisdom in matters I seldom think about is very refreshing, Mr. Yudnap.

Ps: Dude, it took me a while to figure out that Nurav Yednap was not a Russian poet, but fellow high school valedictorian Varun Pandey. (haha)

Nurav Yednap said...


You can always trust me for refreshing wisdom .