Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random thought

There are few books which have affected me deeply. Infact books have always been a way for me to escape the present, perhaps that’s why I’ve always vouched for fiction . But two books: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and Living History: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s autobiography have left me moved , to say nothing of the fact that I read them in succession.

Every book cannot be expected to affect everyone in the same manner, a person hopelessly in love would fine a curious joy in reading a mushy romantic which would seem tosh to me; an International Political Guidebook would seem like the Bible to some. And so I would not be surprised if the majority did not share my stand on these books.

I am currently in that state of my life where I’ve begun questioning everything I do. Why do I need the engineering? Why the MBA or the MS? Why do everything that everyone’s doing and millions before me have done? Where have those dreams of greatness and fame that I used to concoct in my childhood gone? Has pragmatism led the way to mediocrity?

And the most troubling of all is my faith, or the lack of it. I seem to have completely lost it. Not that I was very spiritual before, Diwali and my birthday being the only two days I would join my hands before the Lord. But of late I can see that I’ve lost complete belief, even an atheist would be in awe of me. I just can’t bring myself to join hands or say a prayer when there are immense nagging doubts in my mind.

And if anyone in the crowd was in this state he would perhaps understand why the two books have affected me in the way they did. Perhaps now I see what it takes to be different from the crowd. Perhaps now I see that it is OK to not have faith on what you have been taught to believe, that one day it will come to me when I need it most. Perhaps reading these two books has been a watershed moment in my life.

Perhaps, definitely perhaps.

Monday, July 7, 2008

wimble- ka- don

“Whatever be the result ,one thing is sure; the winner of this years Wimbledon is a name starting with R.”, quipped the commentator. Amazed at the prophecy and then suddenly realizing how pathetic the one liner was I switched off the idiot box. With the excitement for the finals mounting on ,a 35-minute rain delay wasn’t doing anything to ease it.

I have always, on principles, been on the side of the winner. It was obvious then that I had been chanting “Go Roger” all day long. And to say that I have been let down by his defeat would be saying too little.
“Complacence is a crime “ is a motto that has proudly hung on my bedroom door since God knows when, and on Sunday all Roger seemed to say was “Yeah, I’m a criminal”. Wild forehands , tame backhands and a lethargy that would have suited a Sunday afternoon anywhere but Wimbledon. And to see a rabbit-like-Nadal run all over the court
hitting winners from all corners got me thinking if this is really the end of the classy Federer era.

Yes it is and I think we should all go in unision:

Vamos Rafa!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I begin

For someone who has had a childhood spent feeding on( and not just reading) Oscar Wilde and his Irish lot, I could be pleasantly forgiven for a rather stiff form of writing . All those years following the witty sarcasms, paradoxes and double entredes have not been lost on me and I will continue to be, for sometime atleast, a spoilt child.

If u ever wonder what makes a person start a blog all you need is a vacation with absolutely nothing to do. It is one of the rarest cases when something comes out of nothing. But let me also attribute it to a fad, seeing a whole lot of my “bitisan” seniors follow the blog path has also got my fingers working overtime.

I would have loved to commence this blog with something more historic, something that would make it sound more iconic on the 5th of this July. But as I have so often noticed, on such occasions, the ever eloquent me, fails to find words.

Not the ultimate mood for starting something new, but as I wade through this lazy month I hope things do get better. Its paralyzing immobility , I remember someone calling it, and I could not agree with that someone more.
