Friday, August 8, 2008


If I only knew that the most auspicious Chinese day had a funny side to it I would have been better prepared. And when life has got something funny for you up her sleeve( ? her, why not him?) it has the most amazing ways of getting things done.

Like me atending two Repri classes a day.

Two? And upon that Repri?
Hell you must be kidding.
Hell i'm not.

Now for a kid who finds it difficult to attend two classes an entire day, attending two of Repri in a day, is like getting India a gold in the Olympics. But miracles do happen and so here I am on the insistence of my friend attending his section class as well, feeling as dumb as I possibly can.

But the fun does not stop there . Enter tutor of section 5 and i wonder why on earth does he bear an uncanny resemblance to tutor section no. 3.

Which unfortunately is my section.
And its unfortunately the same tutor.
And i've (very) unfortunately attended his class only two hours back.

The fact that he kept looking queerly at me throughout the hour and the fact that I kept answering his questions before they were asked( yeah they repeat the same thing in all their classes) made it infact an embarrassing day.

Anyone to beat that and i'll swap my Repri section with him.

Kidding ofcourse.


Aditya said... abhinav bindra's gold medal can be attributed to your repri classes on olympuc's opening day... u hav done a service to ur nation, son... ;P

Foram said...

For the non-BITSian and non-engineering idiots, what in the world is repri?